About Fr. Tom Memories Site

Fr. Tom has been one of my dearest friends since I was in college at Arizona State University. I am blessed that he chose me to be his friend. We prayed, laughed, played sports (Fr. Tom was a very competitive athlete), vacationed, raided his home refrigerator, went to parties, saw movies, sang, went on retreats, and hung out hundreds of times together while he was here in Arizona. Even after Fr. Tom left to move to the University of Utah Newman Center we still got together for vacations and also collaborated on promotional projects he wanted my help producing. When I got married in 2002, he was the only priest I considered to do the ceremony.  I always thought Fr. Tom and I would spend time together until we were both very old. I guess God had other plans.

This whole site is a labor of love. It is about remembering a man who touched thousands of lives. There are no words I can say that could describe what he meant me and to so many people. So, this site is dedicated to share your memories, stories, photos, etc. Please contribute anything about Fr. Tom here to share with his family, Dominican brothers, and friends. We are all blessed to have had Fr. Tom as a part of our lives. Hopefully this site will help us to remember some wonderful memories and never forget what a great gift from God that Fr. Tom Kraft has been to us all.

If Jesus laughs half as much as Fr. Tom, we are in for an awesome eternity!

God Bless,
Joe Cyr

One Response to “About Fr. Tom Memories Site”

  1. Jan Vallone Roberts Says:

    Hi Joe–I’m a parishioner from Blessed Sacrament who never got to know Fr. Tom as much as I would have liked; he was sick from he first day I met him. Still, I grew to love him enormously, and when he died, I knew I’d never walk into a church without seeing him there. It turns out I was right; I just returned from two weeks with my husband in Italy, where I visited many churches, went to several masses–even saw the pope–and Fr. Tom was always there. Thanks for giving me this place to see him even when I’m home. You’ve done a beautiful job.

    Jan Vallone Roberts

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